Searching for the Joy in the Mundane


“Joy does not simply happen to us. We have to choose joy and keep choosing it every day.”
Henri J.M. Nouwen


I am so happy you’re here…

My love for photography starts with you. I feel inspired by capturing the personality of each unique family, couple, and person while offering a lifetime of beautiful memories to share.

Some of my favorite things are slow mornings with a side of waffles, family adventures with no expectations, my sweet little’s belly laughs, and a honey cappuccino with a good book. It’s these simple joys where I glean most of my creativity.

So much of life is wrapped up in the mundane and I believe holding that close sparks joy even on the most simple of days. I wish I could sit across a table and hear what makes your heart leap. Hopefully in our time together, you will feel wrapped up in the philosophy behind my work:

Documenting meaningful memories that make your heart full by showcasing your unique relationships and individual personalities in whatever season you find yourselves

My Family

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